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3.08/5 (sur 6 notes)

Nationalité : États-Unis
Biographie :

John Rozum est un auteur américian de comic books et de romans graphiques.

Il est mieux connu pour son travail chez Milestone Comics, où il écrivit "Xombi" et "Kobalt".

Il a aussi travaillé pour Topps Comics (où il écrivit une adaptation BD de X-Files) et pour Marvel Comics.

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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
Mulder : Traditionally, lycanthropes have an astonishingly rapid ability to heal conventional wounds.
Scully : "Traditionally?" According to whom... the brothers Grimm?
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One day I was reading about how... at some time in the future... the sun would die and the earth would die with it, and how, eventually, the entire universe would come to an end. How could anyone continue to be reincarnated eternally if there was nowhere to sustain their new living forms? What happened to us then?
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How many times can mankind poke at the sleeping bear that is the Earth with a sharp stick in order to find out what will happen, before the bear finally bites back?
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Un perroquet chante l’Amérique, celui du patronage. (Indice : incipit célèbre.)

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