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3.12/5   4 notes
Résumé :
It is 1758 and Matthieu Zela is fleeing Paris after witnessing the murder of his mother and his stepfather's execution. Matthieu's life is characterized by one extraordinary fact: before the eighteenth century ends, he discovers that his body has stopped ageing. At the end of the twentieth century and the ripe old age of 256 he is suddenly forced to answer an uncomfortable question: what is the worth of immortality without love?
In this carefully crafted nove... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
L'auteur nous fait traverser trois siècles d'histoire à travers le personnage de Matthieu Zéla. Histoire, fantastique, réflexions sur la vie, l'amour, la mort se mêlent dans une intrigue habilement menée.
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Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
I have often heard that one never forget one's first love; the novelty of the emotions alone should be enough to ensure a long-lasting memory in all but the hardest of hearts. But, while this should not be too unusual for the average man who takes maybe a dozen lovers in a lifetime, along with a wife or two, it is a little more difficult for someone who has lived as long as I have. I dare say that I have forgotten the names and identities of hundreds of women with whom I have enjoyed liaisons - on a good day, I can actually recall only about fourteen or fifteen of my wives - but Dominique Sauvet is fixed in my memory like a landmark of when I left my childhood behind to begin a new life.
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Vidéo de John Boyne
Extrait du livre audio « La Vie en fuite » de John Boyne, traduit par Sophie Aslanides, lu par Rafaèle Moutier. Parution numérique le 6 décembre 2023.
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Le garçon en pyjama rayé.

La soeur de Bruno est...

' Une source d'ennuis '
' Le bazar continu '
' Un cas désespéré '

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