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EAN : 9780718196998
416 pages
Penguin (13/09/2012)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
A century after a devastating volcanic eruption forced Iceland's inhabitants to abandon its shores, the island is enshrouded in legend. Fishermen tell tales of giant trolls guarding the land, and of seductive witches who steal men's hearts. But the truth behind the legends is mechanical, not magic - and the mystery of the island a matter of life and death for a community of women who once spilled noble blood to secure their freedom.

Five years ago, An... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
J'avais dit, "cet hiver, je ne perd pas mon temps de lecture avec des romances qui anesthésient les neurones". Je pensais aussi être (enfin) venue à bout de cette paresse qui me faisait enchaîner les séries d'Urban Fantasy. Ben non. Bon, ça ne va pas durer, dit-elle, c'est simplement une petite pause...
J'avoue avoir un faible pour le Steampunk et cette (courte) série de Meljean Brook, bourrée de petits détails sympas. La Horde et sa domination du monde par le contrôle d'esprit humain ou du moins sa menace, les zombies, la géopolitique du monde post-Horde, les prothèses mécaniques et les nanoagents, les personnages colorés et surtout, surtout, les engins hallucinants et en particulier les aéronefs...
Un petit plus dans le monde surpeuplé et bâclé des romances et de l'urban fantasy: les personnages principaux sont moins stéréotypés, peu décrits (hormis prothèses, ha ha) et les scènes de sexes sont plus rares et ont une certaine progression romantique (oui, moi, grande opposante au romantisme guimauvesque (et occasionnellement lectrice de romance, de mauvaise foi...) je parle de romantisme!). de la créativité sans surréalisme ni banalité.
Une bonne petite pause au milieu de lectures plus sérieuses!
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Before Annika had begun her journey, her mother had assured her that the people in the New World weren’t all that different from the women in their village of Hannasvik. Annika’s mother reminded her of how the peoples of Africa and Europe had sailed across the Atlantic four hundred years ago, fleeing from the Mongol Horde that had ridden from the east on the backs of their conquering war machines—just as Hanna and the Englishwomen had escaped the New World slavers and had made their home in Iceland a century before. She’d spoken of the enormous mechanical warriors that the New Worlders had built on their coastlines, sentinels that served a warning to the Horde, should that great empire ever develop a navy and follow them across the sea—just as Hannasvik’s trolls protected their village and intimidated any enemies who might attempt to drive them from their home.

The Horde never followed the New Worlders, however. The sentinels stood for centuries, staring out over the open sea while wars over territory and trade routes were fought behind their backs, and they were slowly stripped of their armaments and engines.

And they were slowly falling apart. Annika glanced up through the drizzling rain and eyed the immense Castilian warrior guarding the gates to the port city of Navarra. In the four years since she’d left Hannasvik and joined Phatéon’s crew, Annika had come to accept the truth of her mother’s words: Individually, the people of the New World weren’t that different from those in her village.

The governments and rulers, however, must have been.
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