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EAN : 9781931520249
296 pages
Intersticial Arts Foundation (01/01/2007)
4/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Nineteen writers dig into the imaginative spaces between conventional genres—realistic and fantastical, scholarly and poetic, personal and political—and bring up gems of new fiction: interstitial fiction.

This is the literary mode of the new century, a reflection of the complex, ambiguous, and challenging world that we live in. These nineteen stories, by some of the most interesting and innovative writers working today, will change your mind about wha... >Voir plus
Que lire après Interfictions - An anthology of intersticial writingVoir plus

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PARTIE 1 : COMPRÉHENSION - Où se situe l'île des esclaves ?

Au large de la Grèce
Au large de l'Espagne
Au large de l'Angleterre

10 questions
1295 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : L'Île des esclaves de Pierre de MarivauxCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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