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EAN : 9780887805585
Formac Publishing Company Limited (01/01/2002)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Here's an easy-to-use guide to the common--and not-so-common--birds of PEI, suitable for Island residents and visitors alike.

Whether observing spectacular hawks or eagles in the wild or plovers at the seaside, the Pocketguide helps identify many of the birds found in the province. There are original full-colour illustrations by Jeffrey Domm, along with details of nesting sites, egg size and colour, feeder preferences and size.

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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Ce guide d'indentification des oiseaux, superbement illustré par l'auteur et illustrateur, décrit 130 des 300 espèces terrestres et maritimes fréquentant l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Il contient également une carte des meilleurs sites d'observation dessinée par Peggy McCalla.
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Affectionately known as the Garden of the Gulf, Prince Edward Island is an ideal landscape for birdwatching. (…) A short trip will take in many different bird habitats and birders can see a wide variety of species in just a morning.
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