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EAN : 9780415095372
288 pages
Routledge (17/07/1997)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
White whiteness is an invisible racial position, against which other ethnicities are examined. In "White" the author traces the representation of whiteness in the contexts of Christianity, colonialism and in a wide range of films.
In a series of absorbing case studies, he shows the construction of whiteness in the technology of photography and film as part of a wider 'culture of light', discusses heroic white masculinity in muscle-man action cinema, from Tarz... >Voir plus
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Quiz Voir plus

Livres et Films

Quel livre a inspiré le film "La piel que habito" de Pedro Almodovar ?

'Double peau'
'La mygale'
'La mue du serpent'
'Peau à peau'

10 questions
7091 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : Cinéma et littérature , films , adaptation , littérature , cinemaCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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