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WW Norton & Co (07/06/2010)
3.5/5   5 notes
Résumé :
In this gloriously over-the-top tale, Aoyama, a widower who has lived alone with his son ever since his wife died seven years before, finally decides it is time to remarry. Since Aoyama is a bit rusty when it comes to dating, a filmmaker friend proposes that, in order to attract the perfect wife, they do a casting call for a movie they don't intend to produce. As the resumes pile up, only one of the applicants catches Aoyama's attention-Yamasaki Asami-a striking you... >Voir plus
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What husband has never speculated how free he might feel if his
wife were suddenly out of the picture? And how many count the days
till she takes the kids off for a week with her folks? Let these men actu-
ally lose their wives, however, and few can even summon the will or
energy to run wild; it’s only then that they recognise the support sys-
tem they’ve been taking for granted.
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Murakami Ryû

Quel est le premier roman de Murakami paru au Japon ?

Le bleu du ciel
Une transparence de bleus
Bleu presque transparent
Les bébés de la consigne automatique

10 questions
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