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EAN : 9780140471021
Penguin (01/12/1977)
2.8/5   5 notes
Résumé :
From eccentric Joanna's boarding house, predatory Baba roams Dublin looking for men to give her a good time - and dragging with her a reluctant Cait, worrying about her figure and wanting to talk about books.

Then she meets dark, long-faced Eugene Gaillard, a film director, and for a while Cait's romantic dreams seem to be fulfilled. But Eugene Gaillard is a Protestant divorcé, and when Cait's drunkard father gets to hear of it, he summons a lynch mob... >Voir plus
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Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
I knew that he believed in the slow, invisible process of growth, the thing which had to take root first in the lonely, dark part of one, away from the light. He liked to plant trees and watch them grow; he liked our friendship to take its course; he was not ready for me.
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Look, he said, this sentimentality will get you nowhere; once you make a decision you must stick to it. You've got to be hard on people, you've got to be hard on yourself.
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Quiz de la Saint-Patrick

Qui est Saint-Patrick?

Le saint patron de l’Irlande
Le saint-patron des brasseurs

8 questions
251 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : fêtes , irlandais , irlande , bière , barCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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