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EAN : 9781473218055
672 pages
Gollancz (05/10/2017)
4/5   2 notes
Résumé :
An all-new 40,000-word Stormlight Archive novella, “Edgedancer,” will be the crown jewel of Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection, the first book of short fiction by #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson. A must read for fans of the series.

The collection will include nine works in all. The first eight are:

“The Hope of Elantris” (Elantris)
“The Eleventh Metal” (Mistborn)
“The Emperor’s Soul” (Elantris... >Voir plus
Que lire après Arcanum UnboundedVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
I'll be reading this book through the year for my Brandon Sanderson challenge so I'll regularly add things to this review :)

- I read The Emperor's Soul a year ago and it was my very first Sanderson book ! I'm happy to say that I re-read it in one sitting and it was just as excellent. The quality of the plot, the characters and the magic is amazing for a book of only 100 pages. Sanderson truly blew my mind with this novella.
- The Hope of Elantris is a nice story but the story behind the story is even better and made me a bit emotional :) Also, did I cry of happiness when I read the very 1st page ? Maybe.
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Fils des brumes* : L'Empire Ultime

Comment Vin appelle-t-elle sa capacité à influencer les autres gens au début de l'histoire ?


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Thème : L'empire ultime, (fils-des-brumes*) de Brandon SandersonCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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