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Oxford Paperbacks (01/01/1992)
4.33/5   3 notes
Résumé :
Lyndall, Schreiner's articulate young feminist, marks the entry of the controversial New Woman into nineteenth-century fiction. Raised as an orphan amid a makeshift family, she witnesses an intolerable world of colonial exploitation. Desiring a formal education, she leaves the isolated farm for boarding school in her early teens, only to return four years later from an unhappy relationship. Unable to meet the demands of her mysterious lover, Lyndall retires to a hou... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Story of an African FarmVoir plus
Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
"Why is it always so, Waldo, always so ?" she said; "we long for things, and long for them, and pray for them; we would give all we have to come near to them, but we never reach them. Then at last, too late, just when we don't want them anymore, when all the sweetness is taken out of them, then they come. We don't want them then," she said, folding her hands resignedly on her little apron.
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In the day of their bitterest need, all souls are alone.
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Les emmerdeuses de la littérature

Les femmes écrivains ont souvent rencontré l'hostilité de leurs confrères. Mais il y a une exception parmi eux, un homme qui les a défendues, lequel?

Edmond de Goncourt
Eric Zemmour

10 questions
561 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : écriture , féminisme , luttes politiquesCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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