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EAN : 9782746706224
331 pages
Autrement (07/10/2005)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Quand on parle de robots ou d'androïdes, ce sont des images "futuristes" qui viennent à l'esprit. Pourtant, ce désir d'animer des êtres sans vie est très ancien. Au début du XVIIIe siècle, Jacques de Vaucanson crée un automate joueur de flûte et un canard mécanique qui avale puis digère sa nourriture. En 1774, Pierre Jaquet-Droz et son fils exposent deux enfants automates ; l'un dessine le portrait de Louis XV, l'autre écrit "Je pense, donc je suis." Un siècle plus ... >Voir plus
Que lire après Le rêve de l'homme-machineVoir plus
Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
In other words, the problem was not just that workers only made a small piece of the final object, but that in the process they themselves were broken into pieces, as if producer and product were so closely identified with one another that they took on each other's attributes, and as if man, in making machines, must inescapably lose his "manhood" and become a part of a machine himself.
It is a scenario familiar from early-twentieth-century films such as Fritz Lang's Metropolis and Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times, but in late-ninetieth-century America nowhere was the mechanization of human beings more ironically in force than in the production, piece by piece and thousand by thousand, of Edison's talking doll.
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The modern world is so full of artificial creatures that we dare not stop to think what it means to make a perfect copy of a human being. But behind each of these inventions is a single notion: that life can be simulated by art or science or magic. And embodied in each invention is a riddle, a fundamental challenge to our perception of what makes us human.
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Viviane Moore, Le seigneur sans visage

Quel est l'animal de compagnie de Michel ?

une hermine
un chat
une salamandre
un chien

15 questions
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Thème : Le Seigneur sans visage de Viviane MooreCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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