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Nationalité : Australie
Biographie :

Barry Stone has co-authored the popular books 1001 Inventions that Changed the World and 1001 Escapes to Make Before You Die, and the illustrated reference books Geologica and EARTH. He is the author of the Pier 9 history title I Want to Be Alone and co-author of Great Australian Historic Hotels and Manifesto For Mankind, a study of how humans are impacting our world, for better and for worse, and suggesting ways we can modify our lifestyles and rethink our needs for the sake of our planet.
In between books he likes to indulge his passion for travel writing and over the years his articles have appeared in some of Australia's leading travel publications, including Holidays for Couples and Australian Traveller, as well as the international magazines Destinations and DestinAsia. He has also been a long-time contributor on travel destinations both Australia and overseas for Sydney Sun-Herald newspaper.
Barry Stone lives on a quiet acre in rural Picton, an hour's drive south of Sydney, with his wife Yvonne and two boys, Jackson and Truman.
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The late 1700s was the Golden Age of Botany. By the 1780s 'botanising' had grown into global big business as the seafaring nations of the era amassed encyclopaedic collections of seeds and plants from around the world for propagation and study. In England the great explorer and botanist Joseph Banks, who had accompaied Captain James Cook on his voyages through the South Pacific in the 1770s, was put in charge of the new botanical garden in Kew, often used by King George III as a retreat from the intrigues of London's Royal Court.
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In 1963, in the waters surrounding the Houtman Abrolhos archipelago off the coast of Western Australia, a local fisherman escorted two divers to what remained of the wreckage of a seventeenth century trading ship. Seven years later the remains of Batavia, the pride of the Dutch Fleet, began to be raised from the shallow seabed surrounding the reef on which it came to grief 341 years earlier.
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Between 1774 and 1790 more than a quarter of the men in Britain's Royal Navy deserted their ships. Half of all deaths in the navy were caused by disease, and of the other half, forty out of fifty were the result of accident or misadventure. Just five of every 100 deaths were caused by action against the enemy.
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In the vast, empty oceans of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries a ship of sea was a nation into itself, an imperfect representation of the country under whose flag it flew, carrying the ideals, the laws and the values of its government to the farthest corners of the world.
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Les chanteurs sont là ! (... Faro)

En remontant les Grands Boulevards ...

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