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Citation de lanard

31 décembre 2015
if people were to learn to conceive the world in the new way, without the old notion of "force", it would alter not only their physical imagination, but probably also their morals and politics. The latter effect would be quite illogical, but is none the less probable on that account. In Newton's theory of the solar system, the sun seems like a monarch whose behests the planets have to obey. In Einstein's world there is more individualism and less government than in Newton's. There is also less hustle: we have seen that laziness is the fundamental law of Einstein's universe. The word "Dynamic" has come mean, in newspaper language, "energetic and forceful"; but if it meant 'illustrating the principles of dynamics", it ought to be applied to the people in hot climates who sit under banana trees waiting for the fruit to drop into their mouths. I hope that journalists,in future, when they speak of a "dynamic personality," will mean a person who does what is least trouble at the moment, without thinking of remote consequences. If I can contribute to this result, I shall not have written in vain.
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