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Citation de Nelja

"So here are the clothes, Dr Marat." François Robert said. "M. Danton hopes they fit."
"Well, I don't know," Marat said. "I was hoping to make my escape by balloon. I've wanted for such a long time to ascend in a balloon."
"We couldn't get one. Not in the time we had."
"I bet you didn't try." Marat said.
After he had washed, shaved, dressed in a frock-coat, combed his hair, François Robert said, "Amazing."
"One was always well-dressed," Marat said, "in one's days in high society."
"What happened?"
Marat glowered. "I became the People's Friend."
"But you could still dress normally, couldn't you? For instance, you mention Deputy Robespierre as a patriot, and he is always wonderfully turned-out."
"There is perhaps a strain of frivolity in M. Robespierre," Marat said drily. "For myself, I have no time for the luxuries, I think of the Revolution for twenty-four hours of the day. If you wish to prosper, you will do the same. Now," he said, "I aw going to walk outside, through the cordon, and through Lafayette's troops. I am going to smile, which I admit you do not often see, and affecting a jaunty air I am going to swing that elegant walking-cane with which M. Danton has so thoughtfully provided me. It's like a story-book, isn't it? And then I am off to England, just until the fuss dies down. Which will be a relief to you all, I know."
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