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Citation de Nieva

— Hello, love !
— Helooo ! Lovely to see you !
— Hello darling ! Come on in then, come on in. Oh, no need to take your shoes off, love... Ha ha, it's not Buckingham Palace !
— It's lovely and bright in here ! Is the sunroom new ?
— No, we must have had it for 10 years. Maybe more than that now. It was built a couple of years before Glen died. Now, that was 2007, so... yes must've had it 12 years now. You've been here since then, haven't you ?
— No, not since Andy was born.
— Goodness. Milk ?
— Oh, yep.
— Ah, well I don't think much else has changed...
— Ta.
— ... still the same old mess. Lord knows what they'll do with it all when i'm gone ! Ha ha, there we go... There might be some chocolate ones in there... if you dig down deep enough.
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