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Citation de emmalag

- I think it's a shame, that's all.
- A shame !
- Yes - a shame. That in the modern age a man could impoverish his intellect enough to satisfy himself with myth and legend - could be content to turn his back to the world and bury himself in ideas which even your father must have thought outdated ! Nothing is more important than to use your mind to its last degree !
- I've turned my back on nothing - I have done the reverse. Do you think everything can be accounted for by equations and soil deposits ? I am looking up, not down.
There again was another of those little alterations in the air, as if the pressure had dropped, and a storm was coming : each was aware of having grown angry with the other, uncertain why.
- You certainly don't seem to be looking outward - I know that at least !
Cora found herself braced against the arms of her chair, wanting to be a little unkind :
- What do you know of England now, of how the roads are laid, and where they're going - of places in the city where children have never seen the Thames - never seen a patch of grass. How content you must be, reciting your psalms to the air, and coming home to a pretty wife and books that left the press three hundred years ago !
It was unjust, she knew; she faltered a little, warning neither to retreat nor press on.
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