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Biographie :

Sarah Turnbull est l'auteur du best-seller international ALMOST FRENCH. Elle vit maintenant à Sydney avec son mari, Frédéric.

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Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
I know of no other place that is so fascinating yet so frustrating, so aware of the world and its own place within it but at the same time utterly insular. A country touched by nostalgia, with a past so great - so marked by brilliance and achievement - that French people today seem both enriched and burdened by it. France is like a maddening, moody lover who inspires emotional highs and lows. One minute it fills you with a rush of passion, the next you're full of fury, itching to smack the mouth of some sneering shopkeeper or smug civil servant. Yes, it's a love-hate relationshi
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It is a bitter-sweet thing, knowing two cultures. Once you leave your birthplace nothing is ever the same.
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George Sand / Alfred de Musset

Trouvez le mot manquant au début de ce vers : "- XXX - je mets à vos pieds un éternel hommage "


10 questions
24 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : littérature française , poésie , jeux de langage , classique français , acrostichesCréer un quiz sur cet auteur

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