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Citation de missmolko1

Beverly Sullivan struggles through her meal. She wonders how it can be possible that after twenty years of marriage there is nothing to talk about. Without the kids there, interrupting, distracting, it seems there is little for them to say to one another. They didn't use to be like this. They used to be good together. All those years of eating with the kids has made them lose the knack of conversation. They should have hired more babysitters, gone out by themselves to restaurants more, she thinks regretfully, like the expertd always advise.
Unfortunately, she is positioned so that she is lookin directly at the outrageously attractive engaged couple alone together in the corner. They do all the things couples in love do: they look into each other's eyes, they smile excessively, touch each other whenever they can. Every once in a while, they laugh.
They're so young, she thinks, they have no idea.
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