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EAN : 9780373746606
283 pages
Harlequin (06/03/2012)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
A Wanted Man Nothing would stop U.S. Marshal Harlan Cole from capturing an escaped fugitive. Not even being forced to work side by side with his ex-lover, Wyoming Deputy Callie Glass, on a murder investigation. Harlan knows the case will open old wounds, but none as raw as the ones he infl icted on Callie long ago. Full description
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Ce thriller aux nombreux rebondissements se lit presque d'une traite.
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“Listen, child, you can be the most independent woman on the face of the earth, but you still need a little romance in your life. It’s been far too long.”
“So why didn’t you ever get married again?”
“Your grandfather was one of a kind. Any man tried to replace him would only wind up heartbroken, and I’m not about to do that to someone.”
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When it came down to it, he was also a good cop. But as his training deputy, she was required to keep that tidbit of information to herself. She needed to help him build his confidence, not his ego.
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(…) at thirty-four, she had come to the conclusion that she was destined to spend the rest of her life flying solo. She no longer embraced the dream of a husband and kids and a white picket fence.
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Why did everyone around Callie seem to be getting younger these days?
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