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EAN : 9780140436242
Penguin Classics (01/11/2001)
4.5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Novelist and playwright Frances (Fanny) Burney, 1752-1840, was also a prolific writer of journals and letters, beginning with the diary she started at fifteen and continuing until the end of her eventful life. From her youth in London high society to a period in the court of Queen Charlotte and her years interned in France with her husband Alexandre d'Arblay during the Napoleonic Wars, she captured the changing times around her, creating brilliantly comic and candid... >Voir plus
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To Nobody, then, will I write my Journal! since To Nobody can I be wholly unreserved-to Nobody can I reveal every thought, every wish of my Heart, with the most unlimited confidence, the most unremitting sincerity to the end of my Life! For what chance, what accident can end my connections with Nobody? No secret can I conceal from No-body, and to No-body can I be ever unreserved. Disagreement cannot stop our affection, Time itself has no power to end our friendship. The love, the esteem I entertain for Nobody, No-body's self has no power to destroy. From Nobody I have nothing to fear, the secrets sacred to friendship, Nobody will not reveal, when the affair is doubtful, Nobody will not look towards the side least favourable. [...] In your breast my errors may create pity without exciting contempt; may raise your compassion, without eradicating your love. From this moment, then my dear Girl-but why, permit me to ask, must a female be made Nobody? Ah! my dear, what were this world good for, were Nobody a female? And now I have done with preambulation.
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Connaissez-vous vraiment Frances Burney?

Quel est le titre du premier roman publié de sa carrière?

Evelina or or, A Young Lady's Entrance into the World
Cecilia, or, Memoirs of an Heiress
The Witlings

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