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EAN : 9781849056298
34 pages
Jessica Kingsley Publishers (21/04/2015)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
It is a beautiful spring day, and Luna is having a picnic in the park with her family, wearing her Mum's red hat. Luna's Mum died one year ago and she still finds it difficult to understand why. She feels that it may have been her fault and worries that her Dad might leave her in the same way. Her Dad talks to her to explain what happened and together they think about all the happy memories they have of Mum.

This beautifully-illustrated storybook is d... >Voir plus
Que lire après Luna's Red HatVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Ce livre m'a fait pleurer. Je pense que l'auteur a complètement atteint son but : un album illustré pour aider les enfants qui vivent la porte d'un être aimé par le suicide. La petite histoire est parfaitement rédigée; les enfants seront capables de se reconnaître dans les différentes façons de Luna de réagir à la situation. le père, dans l'histoire, a toujours la meilleure réponse qui soit aux questions de Luna. le genre de réponse que les parents aimeraient entendre sortir de leur propre bouche, pour rendre la chose le plus facile possible pour leurs enfants. Comme :

« Maman ne voulait pas nous quitter,
et elle ne voulait pas mourir, mais elle ne pouvait simplement pas
trouver une autre façon de s'en sortir » dit Papa.

Même si ce n'est pas un jour pour se sentir ensoleillé, pas un jour pour aimer les choses, Luna finit par passer un bel après-midi avec son Papa... et le chapeau rouge de sa Maman.


This book made me cry out loud. I think the author has fully achieved her goal: an illustrated storybook to help children experiencing the lost of a loved one by suicide. The little story is perfectly written; children will be able to recognize themselves in the different ways Luna reacts to the situation. The father, in the story, always has the best answer to Luna's questions. The type of answer parents would like to think of by themselves, to make it as easy as possible for their kids. Like:

"Mum didn't want to leave us,
and she didn't want to die, but she just couldn't
find another way out," said Dad.

Even if it's not a day for feeling sunny, not a day for liking things, Luna ends up having a nice afternoon with her Dad… and her Mum's red hat.
Lien : https://enattendantdemain.wo..
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Citations et extraits (5) Ajouter une citation
"But why didn't the doctors make her feel better?" asked Luna.
"Because they couldn't. Unfortunately sometimes even doctors don't have all the answers," said Dad.
Commenter  J’apprécie          70
"Mum didn't want to leave us,
and she didn't want to die, but she just couldn't
find another way out," said Dad.
Commenter  J’apprécie          30
"I am not like Mum!" said Luna.
"Because I wouldn't just stop living when I wanted to!
People you love don't get to stop living and leave you behind!"
Commenter  J’apprécie          20
Today was not the day for feeling sunny.
Commenter  J’apprécie          30
Today was not the day for liking things
Commenter  J’apprécie          30

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