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Alex Sheikman (Illustrateur)Lizzy John (Illustrateur)
EAN : 9781608867042
96 pages
Boom Entertainment (03/03/2015)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
WHY WE LOVE IT: We love being able to tell stories in the worlds Jim Henson created and few are as ripe for visual storytelling as the stunning world of Thra and The Dark Crystal. We’re thrilled to bring the first volume of the New York Times Bestselling prequel series to paperback for the first time.

WHY YOU’LL LOVE IT: It’s the official prequel to the beloved cult classic The Dark Crystal and with the series’ concept, character designs, and covers ... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Dark Crystal: Creation Myths Volume 1Voir plus
Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
First the star-beings sang out to the moutain with voices deep and sonorous, and the moutain gave away.
And they sang again and raised a glorious crystal fortress to house and guard the unearthed bright Crystal.
By day, it blazed like a thousand fiery jewels. By night, it shined like a beacon in the dark.
And all the time, it sang...
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And a new life emerged, born from the the stones and the roots of the world.
– Aughra am I...
... she said.
She was both mother and child of the world. Warden and witness. Guardian and guide. [...]
Of all the creatures in the world, it was to the humble Gelfling that she was most devoted.
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Videos de Brian Holguin (2) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Brian Holguin
Découvrez des bonus exclusifs dans le comics Medieval Spawn and Witchblade de Brian Haberlin, Brian Holguin et Geirrod Vandyke
Résumé : Un mal ancien menace le monde, détruisant et corrompant tout sur son passage. Lorsque Spawn, se dresse sur son chemin, il est accueilli comme le messie. Mais est-il réellement le sauveur que les gens voient en lui ou bien un agent du chaos ? D?autant qu?il croise la route d?une jeune fille dotée d?un gant surpuissant dont le pouvoir pourrait bien entraîner, lui aussi, la destruction du monde.
En savoir plus :
Téléchargez l'application : Medieval Spawn & Witchblade AR : Delcourt Soleil + sur l'App Store : Delcourt Soleil + sur Google Play :
Achetez le tome : Amazon : Fnac : Cultura :
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