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EAN : 9780307387769
288 pages
Vintage (01/01/2008)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Peering into the often unnoticed corners of life, Kevin Brockmeier has benn consistently praised for the originality of his vision, the boundlessness of his imagination and the command of his craft. Once again, in this new collection of fiction, Brockmeier shows us a fantastical world that is intimately familiar but somehow distant and beautiful. From the touching title story, in which a young, antisocial woman imagines her escape into the sky with an apparition onl... >Voir plus
Que lire après The View From the Seventh LayerVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (2) Ajouter une critique
"[Filled] with lyrical grace, indelible characters and deep insight... Startingly original" - Tucson Citizen
"Powerfully affecting... Carefully observed. ... A field of sparks set ablaze by Brockmeier's artistic hand." - The Miami Herald
"Devilishly addictive... Brockmeier slakes our thirst once again with rich language, measured telling, [and] a hint of wonder." - The Seattle Times
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De la poésie à l'état pur, des histoires émouvantes et soignées, un onirisme évasif et présent dans chacun des nouvelles de ce petit recueil qui mérite d'être largement diffusé!
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Testez vos connaissances en poésie ! (niveau difficile)

Dans quelle ville Verlaine tira-t-il sur Rimbaud, le blessant légèrement au poignet ?


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