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EAN : 9781770079137
392 pages
Struik Nature (01/01/2012)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
This popular and authoritative field guide to the mammals of southern Africa has been fully revised to include the latest research, while remaining accessible and compact for use in the field.

Written in non technical language and with a fresh designe, this field guide classic will appeal to general readers, wildlife enthusiasts and professional guides, as well as to students and specialists in the field.
Que lire après Smithers' Mammals of Southern Africa - A field GuideVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Un livre de terrain, mais qui est aussi très complet et très explicite pour reconnaitre et connaitre les mammifères du sud de l'Afrique (Afrique du Sud, Namibie, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique). Si les plus grands (éléphant, rhinocéros, girafe, ...) sont les plus connus et les plus photographiés, il existe bien d'autres mammifères qu'on peut rencontrer ... ou pas lors d'un voyage en Afrique.
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A field guide has to be portable, and therefore it can provide only summaries of the available information. To make best use of limited space, the more common, accessible and better-studied species have full accounts with colour illustrations, distribution maps, spoor drawings and detailed text, species that are less likely to be encountered have brief summaries and are indicated by means of a grey bar in the margin; and some rare species are mentioned only by name.
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Wildlife tourism in its widest sense is projected to become Africa's biggest earner of foreign exchange, and while there is growing awareness of the value of the wildlife and other resources of natural areas, the challenge of reconciling immediate demands for resources with conservation on behalf of future generations has still not found an answer that satisfies the conflicting demands of Africa's particular economic, social and political circumstances.
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