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Integral publishers (01/01/2009)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
You will be mesmerized by the stories that illustrate the remarkable life of Yene Assegid. Reading "Butterflies Over Africa" will touch your heart and bring forth tears of joy, compassion and laughter. As you immerse your self in this colorful tale of Yene's life, you will begin to see the world and the continent of Africa through the eyes and heart of this emerging African leader and Global citizen. Her stories are both deeply personal and universal, told in the sa... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
J'ai trouvé ce livre très intéressant car objective. L'auteur essaye de trouver des solutions pour réduire la pauvreté en Afrique. Elle approche la problématique de manière objective en essayant de comprendre l'ensemble du processus.
Lien : http://www.butterfliesoveraf..
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My grand mother used to tell me that the future happens a moment at a time. That is why each moment is precious, and that is why we have to be conscious about everything we do or say because it is what we do with our moments that define the colors of our tomorrow.
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