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EAN : 9780001845633
30 pages
Harper Collins (30/11/-1)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The mice of Brambly Hedge live on the other side of the stream across the field. If you look very hard amongst the tangled roots and stems, you may see a wisp of smoke from a small chimney, or through an open door, a steep flight of stairs deep within the trunk of a tree.
The mixe keep themselves very busy. Whether it's spring, summer, automne or winter, there is always something to prepare for and, of course, the mixe never miss an opportunity for a celebrat... >Voir plus
Que lire après Sea StoryVoir plus
Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
Look at this! (…) Here's our hedge, and we've got to sali all the way down this river (…) to the sea!
Will they be all right?, asked Mrs Apple anxiously. (…)
Look, my dear, said Mr Apple, 'if the sea mice can manage to get the salt all the way up to us, I'm sure Dusty can sail downstream to fetch it.
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