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EAN : 9780684861364
288 pages
Scribner (21/03/2000)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Have you ever wondered why baths are designed to grip nicely when dry but become hip-shatteringly slippery when wet? How you can be as rich as Bill Gates? This is a collection of observations which explore some of the important questions in life.
Que lire après Fun Run and Other Oxymorons: Singular Reflections of an Englishman AbroadVoir plus
Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
" At this time of the year it is important to rake up leaves. If you leave them lying around, nature will rot them down into something useful. Since gardening is the art of messing nature around, that obviously will not do.
Today saw a man attacking a pile of leaves with a thing that looked like an elephant's head with an engine [...]. It was perhaps the most useless machine I have seen; and as soon as I saw it, I wanted one."

p 3
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" Do you fret about apostrophes? When the menu says 'curry with vegetable's' do you froth?
Well, it is time to give up. Stop frothing. We've lost. The illiterates have won and it just doesn't matter. They have swarmed down the hills with horns on their helmets and oaths on their breath, and they have ransacked the citadel, burned the library, ravaged the virgins, broken the necks of the vintage bottles and killed the little apostrophes."
p 204
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" The recipe for good sleep is a bed and a clear conscience. Either ingredient can be replaced by gin. Gin has always been gin, and a clean conscience is still available to anyone who doesn't sell real estate, but beds have changed."

p 12
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" If Louis Armstrong were to breeze in here right now and sing 'What A Wonderful World' I would set the dogs on him. I've got toothache."
p 105
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Videos de Joe Bennett (5) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Joe Bennett
[God save the Queen] Elizabeth II arrive chez Points pour une toute nouvelle série de Cosy Mystery à ne pas manquer ! Vous aimez "The Crown" et Agatha Christie ? Vous allez adorer "Sa Majesté mène l'enquête" de S.J. Bennett. RDV dans vos librairies !
Pour en savoir plus ou lire un extrait :
Illustrations par Constance Clavel.
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Mauvaise connexion

Julie se dispute avec

son père
sa mère
son frère

20 questions
43 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Mauv@ise connexion de Jo WitekCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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