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EAN : 9780199256617
264 pages
Oxford University Press (09/10/2003)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Richard Bett presents a ground-breaking study of Pyrrho of Elis, who lived in the late fourth and early third centuries BC and is the supposed originator of Greek scepticism. In the absence of surviving works by Pyrrho, scholars have tended to treat his thought as essentially the same as the long subsequent sceptical tradition which styled itself 'Pyrrhonism'. Bett argues, on the contrary, that Pyrrho's philosophy was significantly different from this later traditio... >Voir plus
Que lire après Pyrrho, his Antecedents, and his LegacyVoir plus

autres livres classés : ScepticismeVoir plus

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Roland Barthes : "Fragments d'un discours **** "


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