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EAN : 978B005EVVQ62
Zondervan (26/03/2002)
5/5   1 notes
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Mystery and suspense combine in this first book of an exciting new 4-book series by best-selling author Terri Blackstock
Thelma and Wayne Owens run a bed and breakfast in Cape Refuge, Georgia. They minister to the seamen on the nearby docks and prisoners just out of nearby jails, holding services in an old warehouse and taking many of the "down-and-outers" into their home. They have two daughters: the dutiful Morgan who is married to Jonathan, a fisherman, a... >Voir plus
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The council members sat with relaxed arrogance, rocking back and forth in the executive chairs they’d spent too much money on. Their critics—which included almost everyone in town— thought they should have used that money to fix the potholes in the roads that threaded through the island.
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Blair wasn’t the most diplomatic of the Owens family. She was an impatient intellectual who found her greatest fulfillment in the books of the library she ran. People were something of a nuisance to her, and she found their pettiness unforgivable.
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Terri Blackstock: A Real Life Intervention A SPIRITUAL AWAKENING
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Les Amants de la Littérature

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