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EAN : 9780881792065
352 pages
Hartley & Marks Publishers (01/09/2004)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Renowned typographer and poet Robert Bringhurst brings clarity to the art of typography with this masterful style guide. Combining practical, theoretical, and historical, this book is a must for graphic artists, editors, or anyone working with the printed page using digital or traditional methods.

Having established itself as a standard in its field The Elements of Typographic Style is house manual at most American university presses, a standard unive... >Voir plus
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Quiz Voir plus

Jours sans faim, de Delphine de Vigan

Que se dit Laure quand elle pense au Dr Brunel ?

il m’a pourri la vie
il m’a sauvé la vie
il m’a aidé à vivre

10 questions
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