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Beacons Publishing (18/02/2015)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :

I'm not going to beat around the bush. If you are looking to get rich without really trying, just by imagining huge sacks of gold or, in this case, by asking yourself a couple questions, then you have got the wrong book.
To the best of my knowledge, and to that of the wealthy individuals that I've met, there is no way, ethically and morally, to get rich without working, or at least demonstrating intelligence and perseverance.
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Que lire après The Key To Wealth: 365 questions for becoming wealthy, no matter the economyVoir plus

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Nos amies les bêtes

Petit fox-terrier à poils durs, je suis Tintin dans toutes ses aventures.


10 questions
228 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : animaux , littérature jeunesse , littérature , humour , bande dessinée , culture généraleCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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