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EAN : 978B008ET7OFI
Weidenfeld and Nicolson (30/11/-1)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
In this book an attempt is made to relate as closely as possible the outward characteristics of old musical instruments with the art and literature of the relevant period. The author has limited his choice, however, to western instruments dating from High Renaissance to Classicist times. Too few instruments made prior to 1500 have survived to permit anything like satisfactory commentary; and instruments constructed after the middle of the nineteenth century are of i... >Voir plus
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Arts et littérature ...

Quelle romancière publie "Les Hauts de Hurle-vent" en 1847 ?

Charlotte Brontë
Anne Brontë
Emily Brontë

16 questions
1081 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : culture générale , littérature , art , musique , peinture , cinemaCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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