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EAN : 9780151997404
246 pages
Harcourt (01/09/1972)
4.5/5   3 notes
Résumé :
The nurse's voice on the phone is desperate, but young Dr. Peters, in his first weeks of internship, is only bone-tired and a little afraid. He has forgotten when he last slept. Yet he knows that in the coming hours he will have to make life-or-death decisions regarding patients, assist contemptuous surgeons in the operating room, deal with nurses who may know more than he does, cope with worried relatives and friends of the injured and ill, and pretend at all times... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Robin Cook acknowledges the reality of the content and how it is based upon his own experience as a young intern. This was 95% auto biographical and would probably appeal more to the American readership.
Although a lot has happened in medicine since then, Dr. Cook emphasizes that the experiences of an intern during that year are still more or less the same. Hence "The Year of the Intern" is basically very accurate.
This book is a very medical book. Almost mirrorizing what goes on in all departments of a large busy hospital day and night. Detailed descriptions of cases, treatment, operations, medication. Everything that goes on behind the scenes. Serious - at times brutal - sad, heartwarming, touching.
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Interview de Robin Cook sur CNN à propos de son roman Intervention
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Robin Cook

Le titre français de "Godplayer" sorti en 1983 est....

L'apprenti de Dieu
L'envoyé de Dieu

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