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EAN : 9781471149115
496 pages
Simon & Schuster UK (24/03/2016)
2/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The Moonlight Hotel sits on the shore of England’s best-loved lake, Windermere, exuding vintage glamour.

Lauren loves the hotel, for hidden inside its faded walls is the key to her most precious memories. So, along with her best friends, Cate and Emily, she signs up to a new dance class in its gorgeous ballroom. They aren’t going for the men, they’re going for a laugh – although a little romance wouldn’t hurt . . .

But then a chain of... >Voir plus
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Que lire après Summer nights at the Moonlight HotelVoir plus
Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
A bit of exercise is exactly what I need after falling off the MyFitnessPal wagon yesterday.
To be fair, it is very difficult to adopt a kale-smoothie-based diet when you can't get your hands on any kale, so you have to make do with brocoli instead, an overdose of which can make you feel as if there's a helium ballon in your lower intestine.
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'It's extremely difficult with only one man here,' she laments. 'In salsa it's man's job to lead so I'm teaching you this the wrong way round. Which one of you wants to be the man ?'
'It's been that long since I waxed my legs, I'd better volunteer,' Cate replies.
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Some things just don't work together. Chocolate and teapots. Straw and houses. Lead and balloons. Now I've discovered another combination to add to this list : high heels and the Lake District.
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