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EAN : 9781539868125
232 pages
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (28/11/2016)
3.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Amanda Graham inherited a rundown bed and breakfast, a starving cat, and some dead guy who’s buried in her garden! What should’ve been a simple remodeling project and a new business in a small Oregon beach town winds up with her uncle named as the number one murder suspect, a slew of odd neighbors and problematic townspeople, and Amanda wanting to just sit down and eat her weight in chocolate pie. Sure, she could pack her bags and travel back to LA…or should she dig... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Ce promet roman de la série "A Ravenwood Cove Mystery" est très prometteur. L'action, le mystère et les personnages colorés en font une excellente lecture de détente.
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Citations et extraits (5) Ajouter une citation
"Are you done now?" he asked, arms crossed over his chest.
"Just about," she answered, and then turned to the mayor
and stuck out her tongue. It was juvenile, it was ineffective, but she wasn't much at swearing and giving the mayor the finger just wasn't her style.
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Her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "You know, she's not a bad person, excepts she forgets to vote and she does grow the marijuana down in her chicken shed."
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Amazing how some things in life could be made better by just chocolate chip cookie dough and a purring cat tucked behind her knees.
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Sometimes family isn't the people you grew up with. Sometimes it's the people you meet who become part of you.
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Some days, you just need to have an impromptu wine party at home with girlfriends.
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Roger-Jon Ellory : " **** le silence"


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