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EAN : 9781595825049
184 pages
Dark Horse (01/06/2010)
5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Since its debut in 2005, Avatar: The Last Airbender has been one of Nickelodeon's most talked about and highest-rated animated series. Offering an epic storyline, engaging characters, action, adventure, and a powerful message about the importance of hope in a world besieged by war, it is also beautifully executed, harmonizing Western influences with aesthetic inspiration drawn from a diverse array of cultures, including those of China, Japan, India, and the Inuit. A... >Voir plus
Que lire après Avatar - The Last Airbender : The Art of the Animated SeriesVoir plus

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Des titres colorés

De quelle couleur est la Dame qui rend visite à Oscar dans le roman d'Eric Emmanuel Schmitt ?


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