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EAN : 9780758201690
256 pages
Kensington Publishing Corporation (01/07/2003)
3.25/5   2 notes
Résumé :
With the peal of wedding bells still ringing in their ears, Daisy Dalrymple and her new husband, Detective Chief Inspector Alec Fletcher, take an ocean trip to America. On board they are joined by a coterie of acquaintances, including American industrialist Caleb P. Arbuckle, his friend, millionaire Jethro Gotobed, and his new wife Wanda, an ex-showgirl with huge ambitions. But very soon the pleasant voyage dissolves into an atmosphere thick with chaos, intrigue and... >Voir plus
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Voyage en Italie

Stendhal a écrit "La Chartreuse de ..." ?


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