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EAN : 9781864711349
489 pages
Random House Australia (01/01/2012)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
In 1629, the magnificient Batavia - pride of the Dutch East India Company - on her maiden voyage from Amsterdam to the Dutch East Indies, laden down with the greatest treasure to ever leave the Dutch Republic. She is already boiling over with a mutinous plot that is just about to be put into action when, just off the coast of Western Australia, she strikes an unseen reef in the middle of the night.
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The VOC was granted by its government not only the sole right to Asian trade but also the right to engage in areas of activity usually reserved for the state : establishing colonies, coining monies, maintaining private armies and navies, fighting the enemies of the Republic, signing treaties with Asian potentates, building forts in the islands they were trading with and even subjugating entire populations.
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Devenir un pirate

Pour devenir un véritable pirate, il me faut...

un bateau
un sabre
un pistolet
être prêt à en remontrer à mes parents (que nous appellerons l'autorité de Port Royal)

10 questions
59 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : pirates , corsaires , flibustiersCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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