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EAN : 9780753801680
192 pages
Phoenix (an Imprint of The Orion Publishing Group Ltd ) (04/08/1997)
4.25/5   2 notes
Résumé :
A startlingly original presentation of the Nativity story, woven into an enthralling and mysterious novel.

Fifty years ago a girl disappeared from her home in Norway. She ran after a lamb and found herself travelling right across Europe to Palestine, and back through 2000 years to meet the Holy Family in Bethlehem. There she met angels, shepherds, wise men and other biblical characters who joined her on her pilgrimage; and she heard of many of the thi... >Voir plus
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Quiz Harry Potter (difficile:1-7)

De quoi la famille Dursley a-t'elle le plus peur?

des voisins curieux
des hiboux
de Harry
de tout ce qui peut les faire paraître étranges

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