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EAN : 9780330463393
656 pages
Pan (01/01/1990)
4.5/5   3 notes
Résumé :
Cornwall, 1815
Demelza sees a horseman riding down the valley and senses disruption to the domestic contentment she has fought so hard to achieve. For Ross has little option but to accept the summons - and travel to Paris with his family, as an "observer" of the french armed forces.
Parisian life begins well, with an exhilarating round of balls and parties. But the return of Napoléon brings separation, distrust and danger to the Poldarks... and alway... >Voir plus
Que lire après Poldark, tome 12 : The twisted swordVoir plus

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Vidéo de Winston Graham
Poldark: Ross & Demelza: Unbreakable
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Famille je vous [h]aime

Complétez le titre du roman de Roy Lewis : Pourquoi j'ai mangé mon _ _ _


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