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EAN : 9780330463300
560 pages
Pan (01/01/1977)
4.5/5   3 notes
Résumé :
Cornwall, 1798-1799
Ross Poldark sits for the borough of Truro as Member of Parliament- his time divided between London and Cornwall, his heart divided about the his wife, Demelza.
His old feud with George Warleggan still flares - as does the illicit love between Morwenna and Drake, Demelza's brother.
Before the new century dawns, George and Ross will be drawn together by a loss greater than their rivalry -and Morwenna and Drake by a tragedy tha... >Voir plus
Que lire après Poldark, tome 7 : The angry tideVoir plus
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The past is over, gone. What is to come doesn't exist yet. That's tomorrow! It's only now that can ever be, at any moment. And at this moment, now, we are alive--and together. We can't ask more. There isn't any more to ask.

Seeking perfection, Ross . . . in life it’s dangerous, for it makes the less than perfect seem less than enough. Time is not indefinite.
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Poldark: Ross & Demelza: Unbreakable
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