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EAN : 9780771099854
200 pages
McClelland & Stewart (15/06/1993)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
One of Canada's most accomplished authors combines the best qualities of both the short story and the novel to create a lyrical evocation of the beauty, pain and wonder of growing up.
In eight interconnected, finelly wrought stories, Margaret Laurence recreates the world of Vanessa MacLeod - a world of scrub-oak, willow and chokeberry bushes; of family love and conflict; and of a girl's growing awareness of and passage into womanhood. The stories blend into o... >Voir plus
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"People usually say there must be a God", Chris went on, "because otherwise, how did the universe get her? But that's ridiculous. If the stars and planet go on to infinity, they could have existed forever, for no reason at all. Maybe they weren't even created. Look - what's the alternative? To believe in a God who is brutal. What else could He be? You've ony got to look anywhere around you. It would be an insult to Him to believe in a God like that. Most people don't like talking about this kind of thing - it embarrasses them, you know? Or else they're not interested. I don't mind. I can always think about things myself. You don't actually need anyonne to talk to."
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My father was a doctor, and like many doctors, his advice to his own family was of an exceedingly casual nature. My mother's prenatal care, apart from "For Pete's saake, honey, quit running around like a chicken with its head cut off", consisted mainly of admonitions to breathe deeply and drink plenty of water.
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“My mother sighed, making me feel that I was placing an intolerable burden on her, and yet making me resent having to feel this weight. She looked tired, as she often did these days. Her tiredness bored me, made me want to attack her for it.”
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A vignette featuring Canadian novelist Margaret Laurence.
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