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Cory Godbey (Illustrateur)
EAN : 9780399539879
328 pages
Penguin Workshop (27/08/2019)
4.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Will the fires of resistance finally unite the Gelfling clans against the growing Skeksis threat...or is it too late to save Thra?

Naia of the Drenchen is determined to unite the seven Gelfling clans before Skeksis Emperor skekSo can put an end to it all. But can she complete that crucial task after learning of the long-hidden connection between the gentle urRu and the cruel Skeksis? It's a secret that reveals itself and warns that the cost of their r... >Voir plus
Que lire après Flames of the dark crystalVoir plus

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La fantasy pour les nuls

Tolkien, le seigneur des ....


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