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The Lotus Palace tome 2.5 sur 5
EAN : 9781545042823
107 pages
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (04/09/2017)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Tang Dynasty China, 849 A.D.

Lady Bai, called Wei-wei by her aristocratic family, has always been the perfectly obedient daughter – but only on the outside. Inwardly she dreams of freedom. When she dares to pay a forbidden visit to a public tea garden in men's clothing, only Gao looks close enough to notice her borrowed clothes. Alas, looking closely at the enigmatic Gao tells Wei-wei only one thing : he's a scoundrel.
When the pair witness a f... >Voir plus
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Que lire après The Lotus Palace, tome 2.5 : The Liar's DiceVoir plus
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I've always lived in a world of books. The feel of paper beneath my fingertips is as warm and familiar as a mother's embrace. I could barely walk before my father put a brush in my hand. It didn't matter that I was a daughter instead of a precious son. Ours was a family of poets and scholars. Learning was what bound us together, from this generation to the last and the one before.
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