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EAN : 9781845531935
96 pages
3.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Uruk : the First City is the first fully historical analysis of the origins of the city and of the state in southern Mesopotamia, the region providing the earliest evidence in world history related to these seminal developments. Contrasting his approach -- which has been influenced by V. Gordan Childe and by Marxist theory with the neo-evolutionist ideas of (especially) American anthropological theory, the author argues that the innovations that took place during th... >Voir plus
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Devenez très fort en citations latines en 10 questions

Que signifie Vox populi, vox Dei ?

Il y a des embouteillages partout.
Pourquoi ne viendrais-tu pas au cinéma ?
J'ai un compte à la Banque Populaire.
Voix du peuple, voix de Dieu.

10 questions
543 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : latin , Citations latines , antiquitéCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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