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EAN : 9780241439289
256 pages
Viking (08/04/2021)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Mary is a difficult grandmother for Durga to love. She is sharp-tongued and ferocious, with more demons than there are lines on her palms. When Durga visits her in rural Malaysia, she only wants to endure Mary, and the dark memories home brings, for as long as it takes to escape.

But a reckoning is coming. Stuck together in the rising heat, both women must untangle the truth from the myth of their family's past. What happened to Durga's mother after s... >Voir plus
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I need to reorient myself, like the pendulum equations I used to teach to first years. Back and forth I go, without ever finding home.
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Under his command her stories start to spin a little out of control, and her happy ending's looking further and further away.
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Video de Catherine Menon (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Catherine Menon
Host Elaine Chiew of BooksBualBual chats with Catherine Menon about her debut novel "Fragile Monsters".
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Céleste ma planète

De quelle forme sont les tâches qu'à Céleste sur le corps ?

en forme triangulaire
en forme de pays ou de continents
ce sont des points
ces tâches n'ont pas de forme

10 questions
952 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Céleste, ma planète de Timothée de FombelleCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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