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EAN : 9781855143609
176 pages
National Portrait Gallery Publications (01/01/2005)
4.5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Lee Miller (1907-77) was not only a fashion model, the lover of Man Ray and the wife of Roland Penrose, but also a hugely accomplished photographer. This book celebrates her career as a portrait artist, from her surrealist studies of the 1920s to editorial assignments for Vogue, and her formative work as a war correspondent.

In a career spanning more than three decades, Miller's portfolio of sitters included many distinguished and familiar faces: Pabl... >Voir plus
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And a good photograph is just that, to catch a person not when he is unaware of it when he is most naturel self.
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Vidéo de Lee Miller
Lee Miller et Man Ray.
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Le petit vieux des Batignolles

Le jeune étudiant est étudiant en quelle matière?

En droit
En peinture
En médecine
En prison

10 questions
153 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Le petit vieux des Batignolles de Emile GaboriauCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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