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EAN : 9780373747122
288 pages
Harlequin (01/01/2012)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
This Christmas, the McCabe brothers are coming home to Texas…

Virgil by USA TODAY bestselling author Julie Miller

Detective Virgil "Bull" McCabe hadn't been back on the J-Bar-J Ranch in more than a decade. What he finds is his family in turmoil and his childhood friend, Tracy Cobb, all grown up…and more beautiful than ever.

Morgan by Dana Marton

It took a lot to bring ex-soldier Morgan McCabe home. But when... >Voir plus
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Que lire après Three cowboysVoir plus
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Intéressant et divertissant.
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“Did you call ahead to let them know we’re coming?” she asked a few minutes later, after her heart rate had settled down.
“No.” He shot her a grin. “One of the benefits of being family. Nobody turns you away, no matter how late you show up.”
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Dakota was good people. A tough, hardworking, soft-hearted Texas woman. A man couldn’t go wrong with one of those.
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