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EAN : 9781577312338
New World Library (01/01/2002)
4.75/5   2 notes
Résumé :
In this 1996 Minnesota Book Award winner, Kent Nerburn draws the reader deep into the world of an Indian elder known only as Dan. It’s a world of Indian towns, white roadside cafes, and abandoned roads that swirl with the memories of the Ghost Dance and Sitting Bull. Readers meet vivid characters like Jumbo, a 400-pound mechanic, and Annie, an 80-year-old Lakota woman living in a log cabin. Threading through the book is the story of two men struggling to find a comm... >Voir plus
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Lecteurs (4) Voir plus

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Le jeu des je, en chansons (1)

Qui chante : " J'ai 10 ans" ?

Jacques Brel
Thomas Dutronc
S. Gainsbourg/J. Birkin
Maxime Le Forestier
Alain Souchon

13 questions
34 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : chanteur , musique , chanson française , nostalgieCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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