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Private (James Patterson) tome 5 sur 9
EAN : 9781780890173
450 pages

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :

Mattie Engel is one of the rising stars at Private Berlin, and believes she’s seen the worst of people in her previous life with the Berlin police force. That is until Chris, her colleague – and until recently, her fiancé – is found dead, brutally murdered in an old slaughterhouse outside the city.

The slaughterhouse is filled with bodies. But just as Private begin their investigations, the building explodes, wiping out all evidence of... >Voir plus
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The Postcard Killings (2020) - OFFICIAL TRAILER
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La sixième, la pire année de ma vie.

Qùi est le personnage principal

Tom Katchadorien
Rafael Katchadorian
Rafe Katchadorian

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